by | Apr 20, 2021 | Action Tips
Composting is the most environmentally friendly and cost-effective way to treat organic waste. Its goal is to turn biodegradable food residues into humus-rich soils in an oxygen-rich environment with the help of decomposing organisms – which can then be recycled...
by | Apr 20, 2021 | Action Tips
The purpose of the value inventory is to get a more accurate picture of what makes our living environment lovable and what values we should try to preserve. The living environment in this case can be our own settlement or a part of it, but we can also collaborate...
by | Apr 20, 2021 | Action Tips
Our home tranquillity, and garden time is often disturbed by the roaring (unpleasant) noise of lawn mowers in the gardens around us. In addition, frequent mowing creates grasslands that are extremely poor and depleted of nutrients. So, what can we do to reduce the...
by | Apr 20, 2021 | Action Tips
This is where nature conservation begins. What we do not experience, we do not really know, what we do not know, we cannot love, and what we do not love, we are less likely to protect. Let’s go on a trip! You can get great ideas on where to go from local hiking...
by | Apr 20, 2021 | Action Tips
Before getting started with concrete practical activities, as a step zero we can organize a reading circle on the topic of the ecological crisis and the possible ways out in our place of residence. The reading circle can be closed, to deepen our knowledge, or open and...
by | Apr 11, 2021 | Action Tips
The eco-film club can be an excellent conversation starter and community builder. Moreover, previously long-existing, progressive, cohesive communities can learn a lot from these and it is a good way for widening horizons. The film club should always be built around a...