The purpose of the value inventory is to get a more accurate picture of what makes our living environment lovable and what values ​​we should try to preserve. The living environment in this case can be our own settlement or a part of it, but we can also collaborate (ally?) with the inhabitants of neighbouring settlements. By value we mean natural and cultural values ​​in the broadest sense. It is worth focusing on those that still exist or can be brought back if they have already disappeared. To make the inventory, you can visit libraries, archives, local museums, or interview experts or locals. When the value inventory feels complete, make it a public treasure. This can take the form of a publication, website, film, educational trail or exhibition (even in an unusual form), depending on the values ​​discovered. Whatever form we choose, it should be easily accessible and acceptable to as many people as possible.
Taking an inventory of values is also an excellent opportunity to get companions with us, as during the collection we will probably talk a lot with other locals, with whom we can even decide to act together to preserve or revive certain values.